
Colin Gillis, BBA, MCPM – Principal

Business Development, Marketing and Human Resources
Email: cgillis@smarterspaces.ca
LinkedIn: View Colin’s LinkedIn profile

Colin Gillis, Smarter Spaces

Colin Gillis, Principal
at Smarter Spaces

Colin has extensive experience in Business Development, Marketing, Sponsorship, Public Relations and Human Resources. Colin currently is Principal of Business Development, Marketing and Human Resources.

He has more than 15 years of project management experience in public, private and not for profit organizations across Atlantic Canada in excess of 30 million dollars. He has experience in consulting on large construction and renovations projects, site management, needs assessments, space planning and office relocations. Former Vice President of Pictou County Health Authority Ruby Knowles stated “Smarter Spaces’s experience and superior skill in consulting with our stakeholders resulted in great rewards for us, both during and after the project. Colin has shown the aptitude to handle projects under pressure, with budget and time constraints.”

Colin developed a taste for the business world at a young age. When he was 14, he and his brother ran a bed and breakfast out of their family’s house in Cape Breton. After this experience he decided to go to Saint Mary’s University in Halifax to complete his BBA in Marketing and Human Resources. He has his Masters Certificate in Project Management from Saint Mary’s and Construction Project Management from Algonquin College.

Prior experience

  • Director of Marketing for Symphony Nova Scotia
  • Project Manager at Bell Aliant, where he developed his project management and marketing skills and Human Resource Skills over 8 years of service

Volunteer Activities

  • An active Board Member with Centre for Entrepreneurship and Educational Development (CEED) where he is Vice Chair of the Education Committee.
  • Volunteers and is a founding member of the IWK Foundation Advisory Group
  • He has also with been involved the Provincial Autism Centre, Learning Disabilities Nova Scotia Links Program, Junior Achievement, IWK Family Advisory and Capital Planning Oversight (CPOC) committee  and Symphony Nova Scotia

“[Smarter Spaces’s] experience and superior skill in consulting with our stakeholders resulted in great rewards for us, both during and after the project. [Colin] has shown the aptitude to handle projects under pressure, with budget and time constraints.”

— Ruby Knowles, Former Vice President of Pictou County Health Authority